:Base abwrite.HLP :Title Ability Write 1 Ability Write 2 Getting started with Write 3 What is Write?=What_is_Write 3 Starting Write=Starting_Write 3 Moving around a document=Moving_around_a_document 3 Parts of the Write window 4 Parts of the Write window=Parts_of_the_Write_window 4 The toolbars=The_toolbars 4 The horizontal ruler=The_horizontal_ruler 4 The vertical ruler=The_vertical_ruler 4 The workspace=The_workspace 4 The status bar=The_status_bar 2 Creating a document 3 Creating a document=Creating_a_document 3 Typing text=Typing_text 3 Selecting text=Selecting_text 3 Editing text=Editing_text 2 Formatting text and paragraphs 3 Text 4 Formatting text=Formatting_text 4 Formatting text using the menus=Formatting_text_using_the_menus 4 Changing case=Changing_case 4 Symbols=Symbols 3 Paragraphs 4 Formatting paragraphs=Formatting_paragraphs 4 Paragraph alignment=Paragraph_alignment 4 Paragraph indents=Paragraph_indents 4 Tab stops=Tab_stops 4 Line spacing=Line_spacing 4 Paragraph formatting using the menus=Paragraph_formatting_using_the_menus 4 Changing tab settings=Changing_tab_settings 3 Borders 4 Borders and backgrounds=Borders_and_backgrounds 4 Using the border dialog=Using_the_border_dialog 2 Moving, copying and deleting text 3 Moving, copying and deleting text=Moving_copying_and_deleting_text 3 Moving text=Moving_text 3 Copying text=Copying_text 3 Deleting text=Deleting_text 2 Finding and replacing 3 Finding and replacing text=Finding_and_replacing_text 3 Finding text=Finding_text 3 Replacing text=Replacing_text 3 Go to=Go_to 2 Spell checker and thesaurus 3 Spell-checker and thesaurus=Spell_checker_and_thesaurus 3 Checking the spelling=Checking_the_spelling 3 User defined dictionary=User_defined_dictionary 3 Using the thesaurus=Using_the_thesaurus 2 Columns, frames and callouts 3 Columns 4 Columns=Columns 4 Creating columns=Creating_columns 4 Formatting columns=Formatting_columns 4 Working with columns=Working_with_columns 3 Frames and callouts 4 Frames and callouts=Frames_and_Callouts 4 Creating frames=Creating_frames 4 Creating callouts=Creating_callouts 4 Modifying frames=Modifying_frames 4 Sizing frames=Sizing_frames 4 Positioning frames=Positioning_frames 4 Setting the text offset to frames=Setting_the_text_offset 4 Text flow around frames=Text_flow_around_frames 4 Modifying callouts=Modifying_callouts 2 Styles 3 Using styles=Using_styles 3 Modifying styles=Modifying_styles 3 Creating new styles=Creating_new_styles 3 Renaming and deleting styles=Renaming_and_deleting_styles 3 Using shortcut keys to implement a style=Using_shortcut_keys_to_implement_a_style 2 Bullets and numbers 3 Bulleted and numbered paragraphs=Bulleted_and_numbered_paragraphs 3 Creating bulleted paragraphs and lists=Creating_bulleted_paragraphs_and_lists 3 Modifying a bulleted paragraph=Modifying_bullet_styles 3 Removing bullets=Removing_bullets 3 Creating a numbered list=Creating_a_numbered_list 3 Modifying a numbered paragraph=Modifying_a_number_style 3 Removing numbers=Removing_numbers 2 Pages setup, headers, footers and printing 3 Page set-up=Page_set_up 3 Headers and footers 4 Headers and footers=Headers_and_footers 4 Editing a header=Editing_a_header 4 Using the headers and footers toolbar=Using_the_headers_and_footers_toolbar 4 Editing a footer=Editing_a_footer 4 Setting up headers and footers=Setting_up_headers_and_footers 4 Deleting headers and footers=Deleting_headers_and_footers 3 Printing 4 Printing=Printing 4 Print preview=Print_preview 4 Print set-up=Print_set_up 4 Printing the document=Printing_the_document 2 Inserting document fields 3 Including fields in a document=Including_fields_in_a_document 3 Inserting a field=Inserting_a_field 3 Inserting page numbers=Inserting_page_numbers 3 Inserting the date=Inserting_the_date 3 Inserting the time=Inserting_the_time 3 Inserting the title=Inserting_the_title 3 Inserting a formula field=Inserting_a_formula_field 3 Inserting a database field=Inserting_a_database_field 3 Editing a field=Editing_a_field 2 Document templates 3 Using templates=Using_templates 3 Creating a template based on an existing document=Creating_a_template_based_on_an_existing_document 3 Creating a template based on an existing template=Creating_a_template_based_on_an_existing_template 3 Creating a document based on a template=Creating_a_document_based_on_a_template 3 Editing templates=Editing_templates 3 The normal template=The_normal_template 3 How Ability manages the template list=How_Ability_manages_the_template_list 2 Mail merge 3 Mail merge - introduction=Mail_merge 3 Creating a mail merge letter=Creating_a_mail_merge_letter 3 Controlling mail merge=Controlling_mail_merge 3 Browsing through the merge data=Browsing_through_the_merge_data 3 Viewing and printing merge letters=Viewing_and_printing_merge_letters 2 Write options 3 Changing Write options=Changing_Write_options 3 General options=General_options 3 Spell-checker and thesaurus options=Choosing_the_spell_checker_and_thesaurus 3 Setting colors=Setting_colors 3 Setting the default zoom=Setting_the_default_Zoom